Reconnective Healing to Animals

Animals play a very important role in the evolution of the planet and humanity. There is a powerful consciousness that unites all living things, a delicate interconnectedness with all life on earth, and all can benefit from these powerful new frequencies of healing.
  Reconnective Healing consistently demonstrates a wide range of positive effects, often resulting in instantaneous healings. It introduces higher levels of energy, balance and wellness to all living beings, and offers a new way to heal them on all levels.

Sentient beings

Animals are sentient, i.e., they feel love, joy, pain, suffering - with the same neurophysiological reactions just like humans - and have also consciousness. As it has been recently stated by The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness, “nonhuman animals have the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviors. Consequently, the weight of evidence indicates that humans are not unique in possessing the neurological substrates that generate consciousness. Nonhuman animals (…) also possess these neurological substrates”.
  However they are voiceless, and because of that our mission is to protect them. Being compassionate toward animals is a key to achieving lasting global peace. To relieve the pain and suffering of abused or neglected animals and help them live happier and more joyful lives is the greatest gift we can give them.

About the sessions

Animals – just as human persons – should be healed one at a time. The number of necessary sessions is also three. In general there is no need of special conditions or facilities. Reconnective Healing can be facilitated in any place the animal is.

Give this chance to your fellow companion!

“You are here at this unique time in history — and you have the opportunity to experience and share something new, different and real. A powerful new way to help heal animals, make a positive impact in your community and bring new levels of compassion and healing onto the planet!”
—Eric Pearl.